Welcome back to the School Life Manga Contest!

Finally, we will announce the winners, sorry for being so late.  InshaAllah in the future, this type of slow procedure will not be happening again. Here is a list of the Winners.  The prizes will be given soon inshaAllah.


:star: Winners
:bulletgreen: 1st place – Shahd shoju manga special ED by :iconockbaenma:
Shahd shoju manga special ED by ockbaenma

:bulletgreen: 2nd Place –  Best Friends by :iconshirinaraku:

:bulletgreen: 3rd Place –  Because We Are by :iconreku-maku:
Because We Are-COVER by Reku-maku

:bulletgreen: 4th Place –  Fight For the Truth by :iconzamillia:
cover fight for truth by zamillia

:bulletgreen: 5th Place –  Little Cheater by :iconwaad-hkf:
Lil Cheater Cover by Waad-Hkf

:star: Deadline

Jan 30 2012

:star: Theme

In School Life Manga Contest it’s obviously about Muslims in school. High School would probably be what most people do, but you can also do university.

:star:Contest Details

General Manga Contest Information [here]
Create a multi page manga that discusses the theme above.

Option 1) 
Have a story about Muslim’s day to day life in school.  Example: a couple Muslims students talking one day about manga.  another day about games.  maybe one student is more religious than the others, so he or she teaches the other more about Islam

Option 2) 
Have a story about Muslims in school with not so everyday life situations.  Could be fictional and fantasy like for example.  Bad guys come to attach school and the Muslim student risks his life to fight him and save everybody

Option x) 
Something else.  Anything that has the above theme in it.  If you are going with option x, I would suggest contacting shsn with your idea for approval.

:star: Prizes

:bulletyellow: 1st place
:bulletgreen: A 3 month subscription to deviantart (premium membership with no ads and lots of other cool stuff)
:bulletgreen:  A 6 months sub instead of 3 if we get a lot of participants
:bulletgreen: A fully colored chibi from 12cherry21
:bulletgreen: A custom box feature in spring-sky’s profile page
:bulletgreen: A custom-made icon OR support stamp donated by spring-sky
:bulletgreen: A drawing from kittycatstudio
:bulletgreen: 10 deviantart points from kittycatstudio
:bulletgreen: 2 week feature on muslim-manga

:bulletyellow: 2nd place

:bulletgreen: A flat colored chibi from 12cherry21
:bulletgreen: A custom box feature in spring-sky’s profile page
:bulletgreen: A custom-made icon OR support stamp donated by spring-sky
:bulletgreen: A drawing from kittycatstudio
:bulletgreen: 10 points from VeraLakshmi
:bulletgreen: 2 week feature on muslim-manga

:bulletyellow: 3rd place

:bulletgreen: A custom box feature in spring-sky’s profile page
:bulletgreen: A custom-made icon OR support stamp donated by spring-sky
:bulletgreen: A drawing from kittycatstudio
:bulletgreen: 10 points from VeraLakshmi
:bulletgreen: 2 week feature on muslim-manga

:bulletyellow: 4th place

:bulletgreen: 2 week feature on muslim-manga
:bulletgreen: small ‘normal game cards’ size drawing request by SaharaNight
:bulletgreen: 5 points from Warrior-Ali

:bulletyellow: 5th place

:bulletgreen: 2 week feature on muslim-manga:
:bulletgreen: small ‘normal game cards’ size drawing request by SaharaNight
:bulletgreen: 5 points from Warrior-Ali

If you want to also donate a prize to any third place and even 4th and 5th place winners, please send a note to shsn

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