Stamp Activity
Assalam wa alaykum and welcome to the Stamp Activity of events!
This is an activity. It is like a contest, but we don’t give prizes like subscriptions. But we may have a poll and the winners will have their artwork featured on Muslim Manga. Or we may just judge who the winners are since that will be faster. It will be one week long and we will try to have a new activity every week So Sunday is the last day to submit an entry for this activity.
Here are a few stamps we have:
They are generally about the same size. You can find a template for them by searching “stamp template” in deviant art.
Submit your entries to the “For Muslim Manga” Folder
Tell and remind all your friends about the Muslim Manga group on deviantArt and remind them about this activity. One easy way to do this is by creating a journal entry titled “Check out Muslim Manga’s new activity: Stamp Activity” or something along those lines.
Be creative!