
Time to announce the winners for Muslim Manga 6th Anniversary Contest!!!
(Drum rolls…)drum-roll plz icon by CelesOrandrum-roll plz icon by CelesOrandrum-roll plz icon by CelesOran

First Of all, allow us to say thank you to everyone who participated! All of these submissions were great and it was hard to pick the winners. We wish you all the best and would love to see your work in the future. They were all really fantastic :D


Grand Prize Goes toooo….:iconpiyoa:
For their submission happy anniversary 6 muslim-manga ! (gif image) by piyoa
You Get..
– 1 Month dA Premium Membership
– Big feature for two weeks on Muslim-Manga and have their artwork featured on Salaam Japan on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!!
-Digital watercolor painting/half body by SirImran
-Chibi art by Zhar-nee
-And a Aya and Sura Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

2nd Place goes tooo…..:iconmuhnaa:
For their submission Happy 6th Anniversary Muslim-Manga! by Muhnaa
You Get…
– Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
– A Colored Chibi art by SirImran
-Animated Icon art by Zhar-nee
-And a Aya Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

3rd Place goes tooo…..:iconida-chann:
For their submission [Contest] Muslim Manga 6th Anniversary~ by Ida-chann
You get…
– Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
– A Black and White Chibi art by SirImran
-And a Sura Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

And last but definitely not least, Honorable Mention goes toooo…:iconznsnowbell4:
For their submission Happy 6th anniversary Muslim Manga!! by ZNsnowbell4
You Get…
– Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
-An Animation by Abdulla-A
-And a Full Body or Waist Up Digital Art by ButterLux

Congratulations to the winners!
To claim your prize just contact the person who will be awarding your prize.

Thank you also for those who entered, all these submissions were fantastic, it was honestly really difficult to choose who ranked. Because they were all fantastic!!
Thank You to,

:iconbeybladerkingdom: for their submission :thumb536910739:
:iconparadise-san786: for their submission Happy 6th Anniversary by Paradise-san786

Hope to see you all in our future Contests! Stick around for some exciting announcements!
Peace be with You All!!



    It’s May 1st! It’s Muslim Manga’s Anniversary! Woooohoooo!!!! Wow.. we’ve been around for 6 years now on deivantArt (even longer outside of deviantart), but wow 6 years!! Time flies !! wow.. Mashallah We’re all 6 years older now,  Yay!
    So, of course we’re going to have a contest, with prizes! And more excitement! But first, let me tell you some news of what’s going to be happening in the next couple weeks. Drum Roll!!
    We’re going to Japan for a documentary project about Islam in Japan, called Salaam Japan, in two weeks!  You can follow us on youtube, facebook,  twitter, or instragram too. In fact, why not all of them?  That’s always fun.

Check us Out!

Salaam Japan


Contest Info

    So, our Anniversary Contest will be a collaboration with Salaam Japan and We want you to make Aya, Sura, and Poji, having their 6 Year Anniversary Celebration, WITH a special guest… YOU!! Without Allah and the support of our watchers, Muslim Manga would not be where it is today, so you have to be a part of this party! So, you have been invited by Aya and Sura, as their friend, to come to Japan for the 6th anniversary of Muslim Manga… Also make sure to include a reference to Salaam Japan within your piece. This can be just including the words “Salaam Japan” or something else.  Be creative.



Grand Prize
:bademoticon: 1 Month dA Premium Membership
:bademoticon: Big feature for two weeks on Muslim-Manga and have their artwork featured on Salaam Japan on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!!
:bademoticon: Digital watercolor painting/half body by SirImran
:bademoticon:Chibi art by Zhar-nee
:bademoticon:And a Aya and Sura Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

2nd Place
:bademoticon: Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
:bademoticon: A Colored Chibi art by SirImran
:bademoticon:Animated Icon art by Zhar-nee
:bademoticon:And a Aya Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

3rd Place
:bademoticon: Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
:bademoticon: A Black and White Chibi art by SirImran
:bademoticon:And a Sura Page Doll Pixel by Sayuri-chann

Honorable Mention
This is for whoever almost made it to ranking special but we still very much liked it. This will most likely be chosen by the staff of Muslim Manga.
:bademoticon: Feature for two weeks in Muslim-Manga
:bademoticon: An Animation by Abdulla-A
:bademoticon:And a Full Body or Waist Up Digital Art by ButterLux

Prize donations from anyone to add to these prizes would be greatly appreciated!

How to Participate:

  • Simply make a drawing that fits the theme Muslim-Manga 6th Anniversary and the requirements as above and submit it to the Activities n’ Contests folder.
  • Put a link to your deviation in a comment on this journal so that we can keep track of it as well as feature it in this journal.
  • IMPORTANT!! Make sure that your drawing follows the group’s Submission Rules. Otherwise your drawing will be denied.
  • You can submit as many entries as you want. Only one entry can win though!
  • We’ll make a poll of the entries which will last for one week
  • Make sure to submit your entry before that date to be eligible for voting.

Stay Tuned, because we have many more announcements coming up soon. Follow us (Muslim Manga) and Salaam Japan on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to see the updates as well. And pray for the success of Salaam Japan and Muslim Manga for the future. This is a HUGE Project for us so we would love for your support!!


  • The deadline will be Monday, June 1st (GMT-8 | PST).  Make sure to submit your entry before that date to be eligible for voting.



happy anniversary 6 muslim-manga ! (gif image) by piyoa [Contest] Muslim Manga 6th Anniversary~ by Ida-chann Happy 6th Anniversary Muslim-Manga! by Muhnaa  Happy 6th Anniversary by Paradise-san786  Happy 6th anniversary Muslim Manga!! by ZNsnowbell4


        • The Deadline has been extended for one more week, due to many request and busy schedules, Monday June 8th (GMT-8 | PST).  Make sure to submit your entry before that date to be eligible for voting. Thank You.

    Let us know if you have any Comments, Questions, or Concerns, we are happy to reply

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