Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
I hope everyone is enjoying the beauty of spring in good health.
Today I’m here to announce the winners of the “Hana & Her Love” fan art contest!!!!
Hana and Her Love Fan Art ContestTitle: “Hana & Her Love” Fan Art
It was very hard for our judges to pick the winners because everyone’s drawings were very beautiful. The judges had a tough time deciding. Now without further delay…….
Because of her cute drawing, 3rd place goes to…………….
For her submission:
She will get: A poem from Hana & an early access to the 2nd chapter of the manga “Hana & Her Love”
According to our judges this drawing is very creative and unique among other artworks. So, in 2nd place we have………………..
For her submission:
Zhar will get: A drawing from the writer of “Hana and Her love” & an early access to the 2nd chapter of the manga “Hana & Her Love”
Our first winner has great artistic skills!!!! She uses her imagination to the fullest…………….
For her submission:
Kemala will get: A drawing from the Artist of “Hana and Her love” & an early access to the 2nd chapter of the manga “Hana & Her Love”
Congratulations to the winners & a big thanks to all those who participated in the contest
Hope to see you all in our future Contests! Stick around for some exciting announcements & surprises!
Peace be with You All!!
- Assalamu Alaikum Everyone! How are you all doing? Is it too cold? Tired of the frosty winter? I know I am. But let’s not worry because spring is just around the corner. A few more days and then we’ll see beautiful flowers blooming all over our usual weary streets. Everytime I think of Spring; green grass, new leaves, fresh air, chirping of birds…..ah I feel better already! Oh, there is one more thing that Spring makes me remember. And that is the story of Hana. Yes, you guessed it right. I’m talking about the young girl from the manga “Hana & Her Love”. The second chapter of this manga will be coming out soon. To commemorate this event, Muslim Manga is holding a fan art contest.
For this contest, you will need to make a fan art drawing of the manga “Hana & Her Love”. Your drawing must have the main character “Hana” in it. You can also include her friends, if you want.
Hana & Her Love (Chapter 1: The Boy in front of Me)
your fan art must follow the rules given below, so read carefully:
- No profanity.
- Be creative.
- Don’t claim these characters as your own.
- If you are submitting through deviantArt then make sure not to submit watermarked artwork.
- Email the original sized artwork to the specific email address.
- Put a link to your deviation in a comment on this journal so that I can keep track of it as well as feature it in this journal.
- If you submit your fan art in deviantArt then remember to give the link to “Hana & Her Love (chapter-1)” in your deviation’s description.
- Make sure that your drawing follows the group’s Submission Rules. Otherwise your drawing will be denied.
- You can submit your artwork by email. Make sure to send it to
- You can submit your artwork on the Contests Folder at Deviant Art: click here (If submitting on deviantart, mention “For Muslim Manga Contest” in the text section of the submission)
This contest will end on End of February
1st prize: winner’s artwork will be featured in the Muslim Manga website for 2 weeks & a drawing from the artist of “Hana & Her Love”
2nd prize: winner’s artwork will be featured in the Muslim Manga website for 1 week & drawing from the writer of “Hana & Her Love”
3rd prize: winner’s artwork will be featured in the Muslim Manga website for 1 week.
If you wish to make our contests even more awesome, please consider donating a prize. Send us an email to
contact us through our social media pages:
If you have any questions, please ask them below, in the comment section.
Everyone is invited to take part in this contest. Don’t lose the chance of getting your artwork featured so, let’s start drawing!!
(CE) Little Hana and her cherry blossom
Aditya, you forgot something!