Check out this awesome contest that has been brought to you by the Barzinji Prize Foundation. Over the coming weeks we will talking more about this contest on our social media @muslimmanga, so make sure to check there for updates and more information. You can also ask us questions that may come up while participating in this contest.
We are offering additional prizes for anyone from the Muslim Manga community who participates in this competition. To do so, you will need to use the link below. Also, the entry fee will be removed for any Muslim Manga community participant.
A one of a kind competition that celebrates a centuries-old tradition while creating a brand new one, the Hamzanama Superhero Comic Contest collects diverse stories of heroism told in comic book form. The original Hamzanama was an epic tale that spanned numerous volumes in the life of Amir Hamza, a hero who fought for the downtrodden of all kinds.
The Hamzanama Superhero Comic Contest
In memory of Hamza Al Barzinji (1996-2016), The Hamzanama Comic Contest brings together his passion for comics and the centuries-old classic Hamzanama tradition.
Submit your Manga!
Normally there is a $5 fee to join, but if you use this link, the fee is waved and you can join at no cost!
email your entry to staff@muslimmanga.org if your entry is over 15 pages.
About the contest
Detailed Rules and instructions
Create a complete original comic book story, up to 20 pages (recommended length), that uses both text and images to tell the next chapter of Amir Hamza’s adventures as he uses his wit, heart, and strengths of all kinds to overcome adversity. Do note:
Your entry must have Amir Hamza as the Hero (he is the only required character as the Hamzanama is a chronicle of his heroic adventures and deeds).
You may use any additional characters/villains you want (you can use some of the ones we provided in the origin story (see descriptions), or create your own. You may not use characters copyrighted by others.
- You can depict Amir Hamza in any form you wish (old, young, man, woman, etc.). Keep in mind his unique Makkan Stone gives him the power to appear anywhere at any point in history (or the future). He also has the “super-power” of projecting serenity; calms every creature within vicinity and immerses them in a state of total peace (eliminates fear, anxiety, anger, agitation, ill-will, etc). There are endless possibilities for your own story, the only requirement is that your story includes a truly heroic act.
- You may use any visual art/comic style you prefer (classic, webcomic, manga, miniature, etc.), digital or hand-drawn as long as you tell a complete story.
You may submit either as individuals or as a team with complementary artistic skills (writers and illustrators).
- Check out the Classic Hamzanama as well as additional backstory details from the Origin Stories. These can serve as helpful references and sources of inspiration, but there’s no pressure to use them in your own work. You may also choose to retell some of the Classic Hamzanama tales in a contemporary setting, using contemporary artistic techniques.
Step 3: Between February 1st and August 31st, 2022 (extended deadline), use our Muslim Manga online submission page to upload your completed comic book story. You may upload your complete submission in one file or as individual pages. Please make sure all files are labeled clearly with your name and page number (if applicable). Please use the maximum resolution possible within the 15 MB constraint on file size. Acceptable formats include JPEG, TIFF and PNG.
Step 4: Normally, you need to pay a US$ 5.00 fee for each entry you submit to the Hamzanama Comic Contest; however, if you use the Muslim Manga link found on this page, the fee will be waved for you. You may enter as many times as you want.
Step 5: All submissions received by 11:59 PM, August 31st, 2022 (GMT) will be reviewed by a panel of judges. Winning entries will be announced in October 2022 and awarded the following cash prizes:
Additional rules:
All submissions must be original unpublished works and you must own all rights to the art and story (you may not include any characters that are copyrighted elsewhere)
It is preferable that your dialogue be in English, however if you wish to use your native language we will translate your submission for the judges
Your submission should be targeted for audiences of all ages. The following depictions are not allowed: Glamorization of smoking, drug & alcohol use, excessive blood & gore, nudity, sexual acts and profanity
To ensure blind judging, please make sure no indication is made within the body of the work as to who the author(s)/artist(s) are
The Barzinji Prize Foundation may publish your submission in full and/or use elements from your submission across media platforms (including print and online). Beyond this, you retain full rights to your work.
Minors must apply with the consent of their parent or guardian
If you have any questions about the process or guidelines, please email us: info@muslimmanga.org
* Additional prizes such as Muslim Manga membership and the discord access are only available to those who joins via Muslim Manga’s special link.
Optional for Muslim Manga fans:
– Draw one character from the world of Muslim Manga in the background of your story. The character can be form any of the Muslim Manga Originals series.
The Barzinji Prize Foundation seeks to uplift creative voices from diverse communities across the globe and increase cultural interconnectedness at a time when our world needs it most.
The Foundation’s first initiative is the Hamzanama Comic Contest, launched in honor of the late Hamza Al Barzinji.
About our Hamza

From a young age, Hamza Al Barzinji was an avid artist and author who sought to express himself through a variety of media including film, fiction, and cartooning with an overall love for good storytelling. He appreciated and curated a collection of classical literature, modern drama, graphic novels, and a variety of music that inspired him to know more about the world in bygone eras as well as present day places he was not himself a part of. Through all of these, he recognized the underdog, the complicated hero, or the way someone’s own story might be misunderstood.
He also developed a set of comic characters of his own who experienced mundane life as well as brought to the fore special abilities within a series of story frames and illustrated books.With a Kashmiri mother and Iraqi father, Hamza was also deeply curious about his own heritage and the stories of his varied ancestors. He taught himself how to repair and colorize old photographs, and found joy in sharing these with far flung family members he’d never even met, recognizing that images could often bridge souls better than language, and that exploring our shared histories ties us closer together in the present.
On his own initiative, Hamza began exploring the richly diverse interconnectedness of his past, researching his genealogical history and delighting to find just how wonderfully mixed up his DNA was. Having already visited his South Asian origins in Kashmir, Hamza chartered a whirlwind adventure across the Middle East in the summer of 2016 to reconnect with his roots, taking his family along for the ride. It was at the height of this expedition that Hamza left this world for the ultimate journey with the Divine. His passion for family, the arts, and cultural discovery remain alive as ever in the souls of all who loved him dearly.
You may use any of these characters, and you may choose to not use them too. The only character that is required for this comic contest is Amir Hamzah, but you may interpret and draw the character in any form.


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The Classic Hamzanama

Classical depiction of Amir Hamza
The classic Hamzanama (“Epic of Hamza”) is the narrated legendary exploits of the Mughal folk “Super Hero” Amir Hamza (loosely based on the character of Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad) and sometimes referred to as the Odyssey of the Mughal Empire. The work was known as a dastan, a type of oral adventure story that was passed along across royal courts as well as village gathering places.The stories tended towards the fanciful, “a continuous series of romantic interludes, threatening events, narrow escapes, and violent acts”, with our hero Hamza fighting injustice, bridging communities, and restoring peace. These stories were finally combined into the now more known large scale illustrated manuscripts, first commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in about 1562. Each illustrated page was captioned by a few lines of narrative describing the unfolding drama. With its primary emphasis on visual components, and revolving around the exploits of a single larger than life hero (Hamza) and its continuation across 14 volumes, the Hamzanama can be arguably considered to be one of the earliest known examples of a graphic/illustrated or “comic-format” series.

Classical depiction of Emperor Akbar
Emperor Akbar, who came to throne at the age of fourteen, greatly enjoyed the orally circulated fables of Amir Hamza and commissioned his court workshop to create a series of illustrated manuscripts early in his reign. The manuscripts were conceived on such an unusually large scale that it took fourteen years, from about 1562 to 1577, to complete. Apart from the text, they included 1400 full page Mughal miniatures of an extraordinary large size, nearly all painted on paper, which were then glued to a cloth backing. The work was bound in 14 volumes (or about 100 pages per volume). The size of the commission was completely unprecedented, and stretched even the huge imperial workshop. According to various accounts, about thirty main artists were used, and over a hundred men worked on the various aspects of the books in all. Today, only a little over a hundred pages of the original manuscripts survive, held in private collections world-wide. The stories that fed into the consolidated miniature collection of paintings extended beyond the Mughal ruled lands to South, Central, and Southeast Asia, North Africa, as was numerous languages and appears in a variety of folklore expressions including Indonesian puppet theatre.
first place
Heart of Light
by Orijit Sen & Pakhi Sen (India)
In a land both familiar and fantastical, Amir Hamza, Princess Zoon and Amar inspire a group of townsfolk to take a stand against the authoritarian regime that rules them
Second Place
The Fragrance of Time
Abiral Kumar, Mainak Mitra, Sreehari Siva, Tanushka Beniwal, Abhinav Kumar (India)
The Makkan Stone sends Amir Hamza and Amar across time to rescue Princess Zoon from a land of endless war and destruction
Third Place
The Sword of Destiny
Siddhartha Phillips (Indonesia)
A hardworking father discovers an ancestral secret that dramatically changes his life around
fourth place
Floating Tower Among the Stars
Alex Irzaqi (Indonesia)
A little girl is suddenly transported into a time warp and it is up to Amir Hamza and Amar to solve the mystery of her disappearance
Fifth place
Peace and Revenge
Andres Barba Riofrio, Isaac Farra Mancheno, Gabriel Leon Crespo (Ecuador)
Honorable Mention
Adam Janusick (United States)
An actor considers a role in a script that features Amir Hamza, Princess Zoon and Amar tracking down the missing Makkan stone
Honorable Mention
In Madness and Desolation
Jethro M. Joquino (Philippines)
In a dystopian future, Amir Hamza and Amar battle an old foe to aid a professor who holds the key to saving humanity
Honorable Mention
Metal Jungle
Gustavo Soria (Guatemala)
When strange creatures start to appear, Amir Hamza and Amar must confront the disturbed young man that controls them
Honorable Mention
Crusade of the Condemned
Caio Domingues & Rafael Jubainski (Brazil)
An ancient and cursed zombie army seeks Amir Hamza’s help to find peace
Honorable Mention
Tanej Bhande (India)
A history field trip for Amir Hamza and his crew suddenly turns into a frantic effort to save a people on the brink of annihilation
Honorable Mention
The Adarna Hunt
Anna Leah Andavias & Gabriel Jerome Paredes (Philippines)
Emperor Akbar sends Amir Hamza and Amar on a dangerous quest to retrieve some rare and mysterious items