Posts by Muslim Manga Community

Manga Contest: Friendship with Muslims

Muslim Manga Community (Page 5)   Manga Contest: Friendship with Muslims Peace be with you all, it’s time for Manga Contest: Friendship with Muslims..! Unfortunately there is still a lot of Islamophobia and hate for Muslims in the world. It may not be the case your community, but as recent…


Muslim character, Aya in hijab | Islamic Comics
Muslim Manga Community (Page 5)#DTIYS Aya Time for #DTIYS Aya for having reached 3000+ followers, Alhamdulillah! Thank you mina-san for making this happen! In celebration of this milestone, we are doing a challenge of “drawthisinyourstyle” or for short of DTIYS challenge! We will feature all art works in our instagram…


Muslim Manga Community (Page 5)#FunWithPoji Time for #FunWithPoji, though dress up doesn’t spark joy for Poji. How do you like Aya and Nao playing dress up with Poji? Leave a comment and let us know! We have a weekly activity going on. See our highlights on Instagram for more info!…

United Heroes

Summary “United Heroes” is a Sports Manga. Made by Marzieh Meisami Azad and Yegane Khashkhashi Moghadam. It has become the Champion winning the Unity in Diversity Manga Contest! A story showing the struggle between ones dream and staying true to oneself. You may find the artist on Instagram! Would you like…


the return 1
Summary “Return” won the second place of Muslim Mangas Unity in Diversity Manga Contest! A relatable story by Kolah showing the struggle many female Muslims face, when looking for a job. Would you like to read more Muslim Manga like “Return”? We have a collection of Manga with Islamic stories as well…

Refugee Olympics

refugee olympics cover
Summary “Refugee Olympics” is a heart touching Manga made by Mar and Khai Akhiar. As a result, it won the third place of the Muslim Manga Unity in Diversity Contest! Follow your dreams! But starting with the usual Sprinting, our hero is running into a dark corner of a dark…

Life of a Muslim in Japan

Summary Muslim Manga has “Life of a Muslim in Japan” as a Honorable Mention for the Unity in Diversity Contest. A cute story made by Mugipai telling about life of two Muslimah friends in Japan.  Would you like to read more Muslim Manga like “Life of a Muslim in Japan”? We have a…

Harmony in Difference

Summary Muslim Manga has “Harmony in Difference” as a Honorable Mention for the Unity in Diversity Contest. A story  made to a Manga by Dinda Shinju, which is based on experiences as a Muslim in Japan. Please read, enjoy and maybe even leave a comment. 😀 Would you like to…