Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)#NoWarWithIran I am sure you have heard that less than 2 days into 2020, Number 45 decided to order the assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s IRGC, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s PMU. Tensions were…
Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)#PlayTimeWithPoji Totoro plushie is Aya’s childhood toy. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid? Show us by joining our art challenge! Create your artwork and use the hashtag #playtimewithpoji and tag @muslimmanga on Instagram. You can use our characters or your original characters…
This contest has ended and claims its winners! Here we show the Manga Contest Winners of Friendship with Muslims! Salaamoalaykom everyone, We would like to thank everyone who made a submission for this activity. We really appreciated all of your artworks. If you still want to submit an artwork for Muslim Manga, you…
Summary What is the fight for truth? What for and when? Seth and Aslam are two young men, who are about to face these questions so maybe they’ll find out some answers! Fight for Truth is a Manga written and drawn by contestant Zamillia. She won the 4th place of…
Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)Summary “Encounter” by Pro.Bossu is showing us the special kind of encounter, which may happen in our modern world. Therefore and most importantly giving us an idea of what Allahs written destiny may look like. We have chosen the theme of Friendship for a contest. As…
Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)Summary Leenarah’s “Lend Me Your Heart” visualizes another point of view on the topic of friendship. Muslim Manga is also a group on DeviantArt There, we are promoting the understanding of Islam and a more accurate perspective of Muslims as being good and…
Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)Summary “RESISTANCE” by Elly Elias and Arsyari Adnan is yet another great Manga submitted for the Muslim Manga Friendship Contest! The Dunya (Material World) and friends can help us getting closer to Allah. On the other hand they can distract us from what is important in…
Muslim Manga Community (Page 4)Summary The Islamic Comic “The Hikmah” by Tengku Tazzue is another winner of the Muslim Manga Friendship Contest! The rough translation of Hikmah would be Wisdom, Philosophy, Rationale or Reason. The female protagonist starts as a new student in a new class. But not everything goes…