#nurcityphilosophy is the Art Challenge our community at www.nur.city has come up with! This is our art challenge to you, our beloved fans and community. How you as well may participate: Write a quote that was made out of wisdom. Whether its from the Quran, a hadith, from individuals or even your own. Just please make sure to name the source or person of the quote and put the text in an image format. You may include a background or not if you like. Please do not share quotes that are unnecessaryly offensiv or worse such as hate speech. Let’s keep it mature. Jazak Allah Khair.
Note: “Philosophy” is a channel on Muslim Manga’s Discord Server Nur City, where Nurizens talk and discuss about deep topics.
You may submit your artwork right here on this page of the website. Simply attach your artwork in the comment section. Jazak Allah Khair.
Special thanks to Shocker! A Nurizen who has made this beautiful artwork~
Tags: #nurcityphilosophy #philosophy #deep #thinking #muslimmanga #muslim #muslimmangaclub #mmc #member #sundayfunday #artchallenge #weeklyartchallenge #nurcity #nurizen #nurizens
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