#nurcitycreativewriting is the Art Challenge our community at www.nur.city has come up with! This is our art challenge to you, our beloved fans and community. How you as well may participate: Write a 5-7-5 sylables Haiku (poem) with a positive/Islamic/Muslim Manga/Nur City related message. Please post the Haiku text in picture format. You may add a picture, colors or something neutral as the poem’s background. Kindly only make appropriate things.
Note: “Creative Writing” is a channel on Muslim Manga’s Discord Server Nur City, where Nurizens share their poems, haikus, short stories, etc
You may submit your artwork right here on this page of the website. Simply attach your artwork in the comment section. Jazak Allah Khair.
Special thanks to Beardinal! A Nurizen that has come up with this beautiful haiku~
Tags: #nurcitycreativewriting #creativewriting #writing #creative #club #poem #muslimmanga #poem #poems #haiku #poetry #poet #sundayfunday #artchallenge #weeklyartchallenge #nurcity #nurizen #nurizens
Would you like to see more Muslim Manga Artworks? We have a collection of funny, inspiring or even serious artworks with Islamic topics as well as Muslim characters. Such as “Pray for Sudan”, “Home is Dua” or “Our Hearts are with You”. And feel free to check out the artworks submitted by the community for various art challenges!
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2 Comments. Leave new
Create belongs to the one creater Allah-u ta’ala.I know everyone is sayın creative waiting but maybe we can change it as “imaginary writing or we can say quotes writing or uniqe writing or peerles writing or egregius writing”etc.Give some ideas about this name.I’m waiting your s upports and new ideas about this my religion sibs?
I respect but disagree with your criticism of the word choice of people. Creative Writing is a concept that is referring to writing creatively. It is not writing that challenges Allah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_writing
Also create and creative are not the same word. Imaginary writing would mean that you write about imaginary things. Creative Writing is being smart with your choices of words and way of writing. Please don’t make an issue of a nonissue.
Perhaps English is not your main language, but if that is the case, please be extra careful when you are trying to criticize someone’s English usage.